Friday, April 18, 2014

You are something extra special to me,

like a 30 year bottle of single malt scotch.

   except you're older than 30...

       and you're a person...

          and you're not from Scotland...

photo by C@L

Saturday, April 12, 2014

For Her

I pine for her
I bring wine to her
I dress to the nines for her
I stand in line for her
I have designs on her

I eat key lime with her
No worry about time with her
I bump and grind with her
I laugh till i cry with her
Life is sublime with her

I pay the fine for her
I stop on a dime for her 
I walk deepest mines for her
I chop down tall pines for her
My bells chime for her

I catch moon and sky for her
Steep hills i climb for her
I tow the line for her
I make rhymes for her
I make time for her
My soul shines for her