Monday, May 17, 2010

Just Put It On My Tab

Do you meet those successful people that seem to put a positive spin on everything? They seem happy all of the time. Nothing seems to bother them. What's wrong with these people? Don't they watch the news?

Are they just naive or in denial? Most of them I talk to don't seem to be. They seem to be grounded, successful, and living out their dreams. The embodiment of the carpe diem attitude.

Are some people just destined to be successful? I think most successful people had to get there the hard way. They hit rock bottom at some point in their life. But instead of letting that shape their life, they chose to rise up and break free from the grip of negative thoughts. They directly confronted the self-imposed barriers to their success and found there was no basis or truth to them.

Here are some I struggle with:

Not everyone can be successful.

I just didn't inherit the drive that my parents/grandparents had.

My life's not that great, but I don't deserve any better.

I made bad choices early in life and it's too late to change.

It will take too much work or money to learn the skills I need to pursue my dream.

There's no demand for what I really want to do and there are too many people already doing it better than I ever could.

I recently hit rock bottom and was forced to confront my constant negative thoughts and assumptions. They were constantly playing like subconscious Muzak in the back of my head. But I chose to tune them out because I assumed everyone else had the same feelings.

I finally realized that there was no truth in them. And as a result, the roadblocks to true happiness and inner peace imploded like a house of cards. I now consciously choose to fill my head with positive thoughts and optimism. I'm learning to catch myself when the negative feelings come back.

To be truly happy you must learn the skills that allow your self-worth to be polished by life's bumps and bruises instead of cracked and weakened. When I "grow up" I want my positive attitude to radiate and cause people to think "What's up with that guy? I'll have whatever he's drinking!"

Photo by Kevin Harp

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

recent photos . . .

This was an accidental (long exposure) shot I took in Southend Brewery after a couple beers. I tweaked it in Photoshop and it turned out interesting.

I took this at Waterfront Park by setting the timer on my camera and holding the tripod over my head. And some coaching from a local guru of this technique.

This mural is one of several painted behind a local shopping center. The artist is Douglas Panzone, I added some orange tint to the "real" sky.

Long exposure from the Old Exchange Building.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Turn the Key

My daughter and I were playing out in the light rain the other day. It was a blast.
I don't take chances like this often enough to be a kid again. It's great to kick back, temporarily let go of the worries in life, and just enjoy it. Children have so much to teach us about this world and who we really are.

Turn the Key

The daily grind
a cluttered mind
going through the motions
deep in a rut.

Outside, a springtime shower
splashes the bone-dry earth.

She wants to go out,
with dogged persistence.
My energy is spent,
reluctantly I go.

Cupping the rain in her hands
giggling, she throws it on me.
For her it’s a game,
just doing what's natural.

I play along
and soak in the moment.
For a split second, I'm a kid again
The worries fade
Dormant hopes and dreams
come flooding back.

Her passion for life
infectious and powerful.
truely humbled
by her boundless wonder.

As the raindrops fall
cloudy mind clears,
and reveals a glimpse
of the path before me.

Old haunting fears
are smashed into pieces.

A tiny piece of the grand scheme
falls into place.
If trust in Him
and continue to listen, it will unfold.

The secret to unlock
the life I always wanted
is now in my grasp.

All I must do, is turn the key.

Photo by Bohman

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying

Some events have deeply resonated within me this past week. Someone mentioned that it's better for your feelings, thoughts, and ideas to come out messy, then to not come out at all. And then I stumbled on this quote from Shawshank Redemption on a buddy’s facebook page:

Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying.

So why do these words resonate so deeply with me? A recent experience caused me to awaken for the first time and reevaluate everything in my life. My family, friends, things that happen in my daily living. I see everything in a new light – through a life really is good filter. More pieces of the puzzle are coming together. I do worry that this feeling will fade. I do have discouraging days where the feeling is gone. Like some temporary high. That’s why I want to get these thoughts out. It's going to help me on this journey.

So I’m on a new path now and I believe in my soul that God will lead me to discover my purpose in life. Does this mean I am going to rush out change everything in my life? No. Or run for 24 hours a day around the globe for three continuous years like Forest Gump...well maybe...

The point is, I now enjoy this average life of mine so much more than I ever thought possible. The peace I was looking for was right there hiding inside of me the whole time. Waiting for me to unlock it. Because a happy life is about enjoying the journey - not worrying about where it will take you. I choose to shed my old skin and get busy living.

Photo by Demarcus Romero.